Sunday, October 12, 2014

Making Memories - Fighting Multiple Myeloma

Thank you for stopping by!  My name is Dawn, and I'd like to introduce you to Tim... the man who changed my world simply by stepping into it several years ago.

Tim was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, a type of blood cancer, in March, 2013, less than a month after the birth of his granddaughter. 

The stress related to cancer (of any kind) and its treatments (and side effects) is intense, and our hearts go out to all those who share the fight.  We are actively doing all that we can to fight it, with an absolutely stellar medical team and an amazing support network of family and friends.  Humor is often abused... but, hey, it's good medicine!  All we can do with the situation is fight the good fight... so we do...

The other stresses... medical bills, insurance deductibles, vehicle issues, etc... those can be overwhelming.  When they are, it takes much of the energy and time away from memory making.  Anyone who knows Tim no doubt has some great memories involving time with him.  *smile*  Some not fit for print, I'm sure... ha ha.  Now, though, it has become even more important to him to consciously take the time to make as many memories with family and friends as possible.  It is important to me to help make that possible.  I do all that I can to make sure that he has all that he needs... and that includes not only quality medical care, but time spent with the people he cares about and time spent doing the things he loves to do.  Those things keep him focused on something other than the Myeloma. 

There can be times, like now, when the financial situation gets overwhelming... and it eats into our days, stealing my energy and focus, further limiting what we can do to keep every day as positive as possible. 

That is what has brought me here, writing this blog post. 

Our vehicle is in the shop, again.  This time, it needs a new radiator.  It didn't leave us stranded, but it did overheat on the way to a doctor's appointment... we were close to an exit, so a detour for coolant didn't take too long. 

That is the kind of thing that worries me.  We are soon heading into winter, and we know we'll be making multiple trips a week to Kansas City for Tim's treatments.  The minivan has been a blessing, but being a 1999 Caravan, it's likely to need something else before we know it.  Not being able to get Tim where he needs to be is simply not an option. 

Luckily, we have the money to get it fixed right away... this time.  If we had a 'vehicle fix fund', that would help tremendously.  A new(er) vehicle is in the future plan... but it just is not possible right now.

Tim has a grandson who is graduating from college in late November... in Savannah, Georgia.  The two of them are very close, and have been since day one.  Not making that trip... and those memories... is not something I'm willing to consider.  I want so badly for the two of them to be able to share that day.  The cost won't be tremendous, as we'll be driving... but it means that is money that I will not be able to set aside for other needs.

We are so fortunate that Tim has relatively decent insurance, but after the first of the year, the deductible starts over.  That is nearly $2500.  We are whittling away at a pile of medical bills right now... but that is more manageable and less overwhelming than the deductible portion.  Tim has a long list of medications he must take, and those will have to be paid for at full cost until that deductible is satisfied. 

Keeping Tim focused on something other than the Myeloma is a priority, too.  He has become really passionate about the blacksmithing, and he is amazing at taking an idea and making it a reality.  We have quite a bit of scrap steel, and we have the gas forge.  He would be able to use the coal forge if we had the proper ventilation set up.  Some tools, we can make... there are some others that would make the process easier on him that we cannot afford to get yet. 

We're very good at making the best of what we have, and we are so full of gratitude and appreciation... as each day brings another opportunity to love, laugh, live... and make memories.

This is tough.  Both Tim and I have always been ready to help others in any way we can.  I know that we could get by... but... call me crazy... I want more than that for him!  The fight against the Multiple Myeloma is part of every day... but it's so important to me to make sure that Tim's days are filled with more... more love, more laughter, more joy... more memories.  Not more stress.  On days when he feels well enough to spend time in the workshop, I want that to be possible.  On days when he feels well enough to have lunch with friends, I don't want to have to worry about the gasoline budget. 

Tim has spoiled me rotten.  I have never felt so loved, cherished, and treasured.  He is my best friend, my partner, and I could not love him more. When he was diagnosed, I put in an order for 20 more years with him... and we are doing all we can to get as many of those years as possible.  The reality, though, is that, his Multiple Myeloma is aggressive and has proven to be resistant to many of the standard treatments.  We will work for those 20 years... but each day is a blessing, a gift.

I am trying to make sure that Tim can truly make the most of each day.  Asking for help is a very hard thing to do.  Prayers, positive thoughts, love, humor... those, themselves, are no small things.  We are grateful for every day, and will continue to take one day at a time, making the most of each and every one.  Any encouraging thing from any corner is always appreciated!   I have included a link, below, where anyone can donate to Tim's Medical Fund through PayPal.  We would also appreciate it if people would share this blog...

Thank you for reading!


 Any donations to Tim's Medical Fund can be made through PayPal. 
Please click here to donate through Paypal

Please contact me for alternate ways, if uncomfortable with PayPal.

PS:  I will be posting more about Tim's Multiple Myeloma journey... and will post updates as the roller coaster continues.

This is us on our Colorado trip.... prior to Multiple Myeloma.

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